Lab Members

Doreen Ware
Dr. Doreen Ware is adjunct Associate Professor and research scientist at the USDA ARS, located at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.She earned her Bachelor of Arts Degree in Biochemistry from University of California San Diego and a Ph.D. from the Ohio State University. She then moved to Cold Spring Harbor as a Post Doctoral Fellow in 2001. In 2003 she accepted a permanent position with USDA ARS, and remains as adjunct faculty at CSHL.
Office: 516-367-6979
Fax: 516-367-6851

Sunita Kumari

Marcela K. Tello-Ruiz
The Gramene Database

Sharon Wei
Ensembl annotation and comparative analysis pipelines; Ensembl web infrastructure;

Lifang Zhang

Young Koung Lee
ZFTF gene family functional characterization using miRNA regulatory network in Arabidopsis;Mutations on Grain Yield Potential in Sorghum

Yinping Jiao

Christine Bedell

Bo Wang

Joshua Stein

Jim Thomason
KBase and Gramene infrastructure; debt repayment strategies; programmer efficiency

Kapeel Chougule
RNA seq data analysis and training using iPlant cyberinfrastucture and Gramene data curation.

Jerry Lu

Andrew Olson

Liya Wang

Michael Regulski

Peter Van Buren

Xiaofei wang
Epigenetics studies, NGS workflow development, and CyVerse.

Vivek Kumar
Former Members

Michael Campbell
Population genomics; structural annotation and variant effects.

Mariana Neves Dos Santos Leite

Jurandir Vieira De Magalhaes

Christos Noutsos

Erin DeNardo